Prodirectional Drilling MWD Technology

Unprecedented reliability you can count on.
Industry leading performance and service quality in all harsh environments, including high-temperature.

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Prodiectional is Constantly Developing and Evolving the MWD Ecosystem

Advanced knowledge through extensive experience

We drill wells — which gives us first-hand knowledge of the downhole drilling challenges our clients face. Our team of engineers use this expertise to develop and evolve an MWD ecosystem that enables us to help you drill better, more efficient wells. We are always advancing our technology to reduce NPT, mitigate failures, and enhance drilling performance.

Sprint MWD

High speed MWD telemetry with unmatched performance.

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Octane and OctaneXT MWD

High-temp MWD systems with more than a decade of development work backing it up.

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Azimuthal gamma ray that is designed to integrate seamlessly with all of our MWD offerings.

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Pressure While Drilling

Industry-leading technology that provides downhole insight to eliminate NPT.

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Pro ShockStop

Downhole axial shock and vibe mitigation technology that further enhances reliability.

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Rugged EM telemetry technology designed to drill in all challenging environments.

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No matter your downhole measurement needs, ProDirectional is ready for the job

We work with a broad range of oil and gas companies drilling wells in all of the major U.S. basins. Our teams are experienced in selecting the necessary tools to address any obstacle in your drilling application.

Our MWD technologies include:

Offering superior technology to deliver superior results for our customers.
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Our comprehensive quality control measures ensure flawless execution

ProDirectional has the most stringent quality control and repair standards in the industry:

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We ensure every part and component we use in our MWD assemblies meets our engineering specifications.

Prodirectional Inspection
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We use these components to maintain our MWD assets to like-new condition based on comprehensive lifecycle tracking of assembly hours and usage.

Inspecting Parts for Drilling at  Prodirectional
Prodirectional Further Improvement
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Further improvement:

Our analytical procedures screen for potential concerns and allow us to rework components that don’t pass our pre-deployment standards.

Prodirectional Pre-deployment Testing

Pre-deployment testing:

Before tools are sent to the field, we use established protocols to monitor tool health metrics as we run the MWD string components through proprietary evaluation procedures.

With ProDirectional, you don’t need to worry about tools showing up to location that aren’t fit for service. Our holistic quality control culture is designed to reduce NPT and mitigate failures.

Feel confident in your MWD technology provider

At ProDirectional, our extensive experience and innovative technology work for you.

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